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Interface ISetting


  • ISetting



Optional createdAt

createdAt: Date

Date in which this setting was created.

Optional hidden

hidden: boolean

Whether this setting should be hidden from the user/administrator's eyes (can't be hidden and required).

Optional i18nAlert

i18nAlert: string

An optional alert messages which is shown to the user on this setting.

Optional i18nDescription

i18nDescription: string

Description of the setting in the form of a i18n string.


i18nLabel: string

Name of the setting in the form of a i18n string.

Optional i18nPlaceholder

i18nPlaceholder: string

An optional placeholder which will be shown in the form input field, should be an i18n string.


id: string

The id of this setting.

Optional multiline

multiline: boolean

Whether the string type is several lines or just one line.


packageValue: any

What is the default value (allows a reset button).


public: boolean

Whether this setting is a public setting or not - administrators can see ones which are not public but users can't.


required: boolean

Whether this setting is required or not.

Optional section

section: string

The name of the section where to put this setting under.


Type of setting this is.

Optional updatedAt

updatedAt: Date

The last time the setting was updated at.

Optional value

value: any

Will be the value of this setting. If nothing is set here, then the "packageValue" will be used.

Optional values

values: Array<ISettingSelectValue>

The selectable values when the setting's type is "select".

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