The raw version of a message, without resolved information for relationship fields, i.e. room, sender and editor are not the complete entity like they are in IMessage

This is used in methods that fetch multiple messages at the same time, as resolving the relationship fields require additional queries to the database and would hit the system's performance significantly.


  • IMessageRaw


alias?: string
attachments?: IMessageAttachment[]
avatarUrl?: string
blocks?: (IBlock | Block)[]
createdAt: Date
customFields?: {
    [key: string]: any;

Type declaration

  • [key: string]: any
editedAt?: Date
editor?: IUserLookup
emoji?: string
groupable?: boolean
id: string
parseUrls?: boolean
pinned?: boolean
pinnedAt?: Date
pinnedBy?: IUserLookup
reactions?: IMessageReactions
roomId: string
sender: IUserLookup
starred?: {
    _id: string;

Type declaration

  • _id: string
text?: string
threadId?: string
updatedAt?: Date

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