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Embedded Chat Demo

This component is part of a monorepo, specifically within the packages/ui-elements project, which houses the main EmbeddedChat Component.


Try It Out 🚀​

Check out our Storybook showcasing all the components in action! Preview and test them here:


To develop and view the components:

  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Navigate to packages/ui-elements.

  3. Run the following commands:

    yarn build       # To build the component library
    yarn storybook # To view the components in real-time


To install the component library, run:

yarn add @embeddedchat/ui-elements

This library offers a range of UI components, including Box, Input, StaticSelect, MultiSelect, and more. For a complete list of available components, please refer to the Storybook.

You can import components using the following syntax:

import {
} from '@embeddedchat/ui-elements';

### Theming

By default, the component uses a standard theme. You can apply a custom theme and mode by importing `ThemeProvider` from `@embeddedchat/ui-elements` and using it as follows:

import { ThemeProvider } from "@embeddedchat/ui-elements";

<ThemeProvider theme={customTheme} mode="light">
<YourMainComponent />

Supported modes are 'light' and 'dark'. Ensure that the theme prop is provided with the correct format.

The library also includes a useTheme hook for managing the theme and mode:

import { useTheme } from "@embeddedchat/ui-elements";

const { theme, mode, setTheme, setMode } = useTheme();

The useTheme hook provides:

  • theme: The current theme object.
  • mode: The current mode ('light' or 'dark').
  • setTheme: A function to update the theme dynamically.
  • setMode: A function to toggle between 'light' and 'dark' modes.

setTheme allows you to change the theme on-the-fly, while setMode lets you switch between light and dark modes. This flexibility is useful for dynamically adjusting the appearance of your application based on user preferences or other conditions.

You can use this hook to style your components with the provided theme. theme object also dynamically provides colors and invertedColors, simplifying color management. theme.colors will automatically adjust according to the mode, while invertedColors provides colors for the alternate mode.

Additionally, the library offers darken and lighten functions to dynamically adjust color brightness:

import { darken, lighten } from "@embeddedchat/ui-elements";

These functions can be used as follows:

background-color: ${mode === 'light'
? darken(colors.background, 0.03)
: lighten(colors.background, 1)};

This hook allows you to dynamically switch modes or themes as needed. The theme object must adhere to a specific format, as outlined in the EmbeddedChat react project